Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 4

What a day this has been. Started off the usual way... devotions and breakfast. This time, as we headed to our work site, we were split into several different groups. One group painted, one group moved sand for a foundation, two groups did landscaping. I have no pictures this time as I was painting, but I'll try tomorrow.
After lunch, we went on the Honey Island Swamp Tour. We traveled in three different boats and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I can't believe our guide let Spencer drive the boat... YIKES!
For dinner, we ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp's. It was great. It had something for everyone... gumbo for those more daring and chicken fingers for those needing something familiar (yes, Hannah, I'm talking about you). I think hands down Brandon ordered the most food, but managed to eat most of it. We answered Forrest Gump trivia questions and I was surprised who knew the most (Sarah & Jake).
Lastly, we went to Preservation Music Hall. The jazz band was great and the place was packed. I've included several pictures of us waiting in line, as there are no advance ticket sales... just first come-first serve (photos aren't allowed inside). Two of the instrumentalists are in Harry Connick, Jr.'s band (who happened to have the week off). The most amazing for the kids was the clarinetist. He was a small, old man who looked like he was sleeping most of the time. But, when it came time for his solo, he let it all hang out and the kids loved it.

We had devotions on the bus and Lindsey had a great message about discerning God's will, especially when it comes to choosing colleges and professions. I'm about to head back to tuck everyone in. Please continue to pray we will have a great impact on the city of New Orleans on our last full day here.