Sunday, June 15, 2008

Day 1

New Orleans! Who knew? Well, the kids found out fairly soon. Our driver was talking to his wife on the phone at our breakfast stop, and a good number of the kids overheard. Well, we kept it secret for 10 months. Not bad! The trip down was great! No traffic or mishaps. We arrived at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and unloaded into the dorms. We had dinner and then orientation/worship. I'm getting old... the music was LOUD! Afterword, we had our group devotion (with Brenna's fantastic leadership) and FINALLY got to tell the kids what was going to go on this week. Looks like we have a hard week of mission work ahead of us... and we are looking forward to making a difference here. Continue to pray for us as this amazing group of kids changes the world through the mission of work and the mission of music.