Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 3

What another great day. After morning devotions and a delicious breakfast, we spent another day at work. Our lot was very shaded, so we stayed cooler. They cleared another lot in just one morning! One of the residents on the street came down and thanked us for cleaning up the area. These kids are just fantastic!

After cleaning up and a tasty lunch, we headed to Colonial Oaks Assisted Living Center. Brian noticed a mobile snow ball booth next to the center. Since we had arrived early, he decided to treat the kids to snow balls. They were fantastic and a nice treat after a hard morning’s work. We gave our concert to the residents (the room was packed). This was by far our best concert yet. Your kids sound better and better every time. I can’t wait until you hear them on Sunday! The director of the center then enlisted the kids to help the residents back to their rooms (they were all in wheelchairs). The kids did a wonderful job helping out… it was also a little comical. Some of the residents could be quite feisty.

Then, it was back to the seminary for showers and dinner. Afterward, we went on the haunted history tour through the French Quarter (the nice part… not Bourbon Street). Our guide asked who the history buff in the group was and the kids yelled “Kendell”. She asked him a question about Napoleon, and of course he knew the answer (we were so proud). She was very engaging and held our interest. We saw many historic hotels and churches and heard some amazing stories to go along with them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kendell for scaring me half to death. I’m sure he’ll be happy to tell you all about it, as he seemed very proud of himself afterward.

We loaded up the bus and headed back for free time and rest. During devotions, our “first timers” talked about tour and what they thought about it (they are having an amazing time by the way). Blair led our devotion and as usual did a great job speaking on scripture that talks about singing and relating that to us on this trip.

I can’t say it enough… your kids are great and we are so proud of what they are doing for the cause of Christ in this place.